D&D 6e


It's tough to keep up with all the proposed changes for 6th edition Dungeons & Dragons.  

Luckily, we've got someone working the street-corner.  He knows all the angles and how to make the boys come to the yard.

With any luck, 6e will be the gayest D&D yet, with equity, diversity, and inclusion for all... except straight white males - fuck those nazis!

Without further ado...

  • 6e will have an all-new spell list including Bigby's Compelled Fist of Solidarity.
  • The critical alignment system will be composed of Oppressor and Oppressed.
  • 6e D&D will be removing rations from the game and replacing them with bread lines (and everyone will have to openly acknowledge that bread lines are a good thing).
  • The only contested rolls will be whether you can convey joy to the state while starving.
  • 6e will be changing the name of the fighter class to "antifi", which means anti-fighter... despite actually being a fighter. 
  • AC bonus if your cause is morally correct.
  • Low testosterone condition makes you lose all weapon proficiencies.  
  • 6e D&D believes that "silence is violence."  All players are encouraged to ceaselessly shriek their character's backstory regardless of who's talking for equitable platforming justice.
  • Fireballs will be called "mostly peaceful arson-balls of justice".  
  • 6e D&D will be changing the strength mechanic of bend bars & lift gates to smash & grab in order to demonstrate WotC's unwavering support of criminals.
  • Standard gold pieces will be replaced by reparation vouchers.
  • Charisma will be replaced with social media followers.
  • Instead of fighting against evil monsters and tyrannical warlords, PCs will have to fight against systemic racism.
  • 6e will cancel clerics and warlocks, replacing them with bureaucratic ministers who derive their power from the State.
  • Adventurers will not be allowed to keep their treasure, instead all loot must go to the State for redistribution.
  • 6e will remove all white flesh from the game, except maggots and undead.  The central theme will be the struggle against wight privilege. 
  • 6e D&D will embrace KendiXism, removing numbers entirely as they are tools of capitalism.  Also, math is racist.  All modifiers will either be +Xi or -Xi.
  • Forgotten Realms will be replaced with a new campaign world called Stolen Lands.
  • In 6e D&D, thieves will not have pick-pockets but justice loot.
  • They will remove combat encounters and replace them with struggle sessions.
  • 6e D&D is just gonna be getting fucked up on opium and telling the attendant your character's backstory.
  • Trauma-free blank dice do not evoke a sense of failure.  The lack of capitalistic numbers convey facet equity.  After rolling, the PC informs the Storyweaver what they feel like the number should be.


Whatever you do, don't sign-up for VENGER CON.  D&D won't be the gay story-dream for Antifa LARPers you always wanted.  Instead, it'll be this old-school, OSR, traditional RPG white supremacy played by people who chant "Let's Go Brandon!"  Ewww.


Dnaworks said…
You forgot the new obligatory 2nd level spell, 'Silence ... is Violence'. 1d6 damage for every level in the Opressor alignment, 1d6 healing for each level of Oppressed. Plus 1000 gp/level reparations
Draconian said…
Assign my character to the Oppressors! The Oppressed alignment are such losers. If you try to champion them, your great-grandchildren will see the last of the gold hoard you collected frittered away in property taxes to pay for the Welfare and Social Programs that goes to the descendants of the Oppressed. Their need is perennial!
Anonymous said…
This post does its best to dramatically misrepresent the tolerant, inclusive and diverse 6E playerbase, and oozes bigotry, fascism, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, agoraphobia, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, and worst of all, triskadekaphobia.


As a twin-spirit furrykin member of the LGBTleftrightupdownstart community, xi am deeply offended and personally attacked, and insist on reparations for my feelings, which may never recover from this HATE.

Please paypal your reparations to unicornznrainbowzgrrl@gmail.com immediately.

You forgot this item from the 2015 Your Dungeon is Suck blog:

“Venger Satanis Picture (p. 102) God he would get such a boner if we did that here LOL!” ��

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