Tears Over Spilled Coffee


Based on what I read from the publisher's blurb...

You work at a coffeeshop near the campus of a magical university, trying to get customers' drink orders right and deal with other matters, like monsters hidden in the newsstand.  

Yeah... I don't think I need to give any commentary on this.  It speaks for itself.



Reu Writing said…
It’s a world the progressive liberal women’s study degree holders will be familiar with...
Anonymous said…
One of your objectives is to clean the coffe machines. Seriously your all 1st lvl magic users have they never heardcof a cantrip? Btw you can calm down the mimic in the news stamd with a lulliby you don't even have to be a bard even WTF.
Anonymous said…
It does seem to be taking the advice "write what you know" to an extreme.
Andy H'Onimousse said…
I'm reading through it right, and honestly, I could see a starting adventure like this working. Just set it in a better plane—coughRavnicacough—and replace the glorified itinerary with some quality random tables, and your in business.

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