If You Don't Play D&D 5e, The World Dies
The end is nigh!
It's hard to know what to think these days. That's why we should all be grateful when our thinking is done for us.
I, like many others, were under the impression that gaming was a leisure activity, a hobby, perhaps even something akin to a religious experience. Little did I know that roleplaying was literally a life or death decision.
According to some guy on YouTube, if you insist on wasting your time with non-D&D 5th edition games, the world will end and human beings will die horribly in unquenchable fire.
Logically, this makes perfect sense... if you think about it.
You see, Wizards of the Coast (owned by Hasbro) makes a lot of money... but not all the money. 5e is also extremely popular, but is not played by everyone. People doing their own thing is bad. Money is good. You should want more of it or, at least, to be nearer to it, and playing 5e... makes the money... more... because Critical Role... and cultural significance. Just play D&D since that's what most people like, you selfish idiots. Trust the science.
Also, eat the bugs, live in the pod, take the vaccine (and the boosters), wear the mask, obey the algorithm, tear down the statues, adhere to the gospel of Secular Progressivism, enjoy the censorship, vote the way the multi-national corporations, institutional education, the media, and Big Tech want you to, and stop criticizing politicians - they have our best interests at heart. You'll own nothing and be happy, you fucking peasant!
To put it another way, WotC's D&D is so strong and powerful that playing OSR games like Basic Fantasy, Labyrinth Lord, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea, Swords & Wizardry, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and Crimson Dragon Slayer D20 will cause our entire civilization to collapse.
Venger As'Nas Satanis
I get the coffee for Your Dungeon Is Racist
We are all the same...
Difference is bad...
While watching that I couldn't keep the NIN song Head Like A Hole from playing in the back of my mind.
You Venger!
You need to get in your combat wheelchair and OBEY!