Open Threat To The Community


Your Dungeon Is Racist has RPG reporters on the ground, ready to investigate stories of interest to the gaming community.

You've probably already heard about the threatening email sent to Wizard Towers Games, instructing them to disavow TSR Games and their convention or else trans activists along with other far-left harassers will be forced to ruin both game companies.

Here is Wizard Towers Games' response.

Apparently, there's another anonymous email being sent around to random gamers, targeting them for not doing more to protect the vulnerable and marginalized trans community. Below is the transcript...

Dear Bigots,

If you do not bend to our will and say whatever we force you to say, the entire people of alphabet will come after you with everything we have.

How can you prove your solidarity and escape utter annihilation?  Easy!  Your Dungeon Master must have either a woman's penis or man's vagina in their mouth at least 50% of every D&D session (while also masked, obviously) or else we will petition Wizard of the Coast to replace all fighter combat techniques with queer Socialist BIPOC feats such as White Terrorist Leather Daddy Wealth Redistribution which will result in all gold pieces belonging to straight and white characters forced into the rainbow pouches of LGBTQIAPK2S+ characters.  

We will also inform your employers that you care more about Armor Class than activism!  Such an astonishing claim of social justice not being at the very center of your life will cause them to fire you so you'll be out of a job and will have to accept free money from the Biden administration as the economy gets hit with both hyperinflation and a second great recession going into 2022.

Just remember, 90% of tabletop gaming enthusiasts are not welcome in our community.  All of you not bending the knee are OUT!  Our safe spaces are not for you - they only exist for the 10% who absolutely refuse to accept reality!  Remember, we only viciously attack you because we care.


Trans rights are more important than your right not to be threatened by radical-leftist extremists


I don't know about you, but YDIR will do everything in its power to fundamentally reorder society so the most delusional, hateful, and merciless among us can live comfortably without facing any consequences for their ridiculous life choices.

If you enjoy the hard-hitting investigative reporting of YDIR, then please support our founder Venger As'Nas Satanis.  He's got a new Kickstarter campaign for book three of his eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalyptic trilogy... Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows.


Dude, a transcript of the facebook post for those without an account?
Draconian said…
Over 50 years ago, the Hippies lived in an echo-chamber and were guided by their ideology to declare a proclamation: it was bourgeois to bathe and they would stop doing it. After a few months, the Free Clinic in the Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood of San Francisco saw skin-diseases that hadn't been seen in hundreds of years, like the scroff, the thrush, and so on, diseases which disappeared before scientific medicine ever gave them Latin names!
This story really happened, and should be humbling to the Politically Correct. SJWs, how are you even sure your doctrines will achieve a positive end? They are untested, and you've outlawed discussion and debate, so how will you know? Will you deal with issues honestly, or will you just ignore the smell produced like the Hippies did?
Anonymous said…
This is mental illness to a T.
Ryu238 said…
So it is apparently allright for the right to boycot and force companies to follow their beliefs bit not the left...why won't you satarize that?
See here:

How come woke games sell well:
Anonymous said…
Thanks man.

Every time I need a bump to my self-esteem I come read your blog and feel like a genius.

You never fail to deliver <3.

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